Just when you thought it was safe...Airport Security! - Amazing Journeys
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Just when you thought it was safe…Airport Security!

Sep 14, 2008


Believe it our not, what’s supposed to be the quintessential example of security can actually be the most susceptable place of all for you to have your valuables stolen. I call this the UN-Secure Airport Security Area.
Your fellow passengers are the actually the greatest threat at airport security areas. More than you’d like to know, there are many terminal crooks poised to lift other people’s iPods, cellphones, laptops….even loose change and keys. Some work solo, others in tandem. It easy to “grab ‘n go” something on the other side of the metal detector while you are detained because the person in front of you has to be frisked….all the while your goodies have passed through the scan and awaiting the taking on the belt, sans you.
Avoid the risk by keeping an eye on your personal items all the way through the X-ray belt and insisting that your luggage accompany you for any secondary screening. And make sure your items enter the X-ray machine at the same time you cross under the metal detector. Leaving your item behind while you enter…or sending it through before you go can leave your goodies totally vulnerable.
Its really just a little common sense, but those who don’t have it…..might not get it back on the other side.
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