That was close!
Oct 28, 2013
Mount Etna, Europe’s most active volcano, erupted last weekend sending up a towering plume of ash visible into much of eastern Sicily. Smoke billowing during the eruption of Mount Etna volcano was seen from near the Sicilian towns of Catania and Messina, Italy, on Saturday Etna’s eruptions aren’t infrequent but this one was unexpected.
Just this past summer Amazing Journeys trekked the base of the then-dormant Mt. Etna volcano while exploring a remnant of the last eruption in 1992 – a lava river that was formed by advancing molten rock that carved its way down the hillsides. While exploring the area this past July it is interesting to note that not a hint of seismic activiity was present at that time.
Europe’s most active volcano, Mt. Etna erupted throwing ash visible in much of eastern Sicily causing the closure of nearby air space, but authorities lifted the closure after just a few hours. Evacuations of several inhabited villages weren’t necessary despite the lava flow.
Watch raw footage of the dramatic eruption here: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2013/10/27/13/16/mount-etna-eruption-filmed-over-sicily
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