Erin Herman - Amazing Journeys - Jewish Singles Travel

Erin Herman

Some of Erin’s favorite life moments are thanks to travel: bungee jumping in Costa Rica, biking down volcanoes in Hawaii, dancing in parades in India. Erin works diligently while traveling to find the right combination of living in the moment and collecting memories to capture the experience.

Erin graduated from The Ohio State University with a degree in Marketing from the Fisher College of Business. After college, she held positions in advertising agencies in both Atlanta and Chicago but her passion was still in travel. Now with a Masters in Business Administration from the University of Illinois at Chicago, Erin still takes every travel opportunity that comes along. She divides her time between the AJ headquarters and taking groups on amazing vacations around the world. As the Marketing Director at Amazing Journeys, she gets to promote the fabulous trips she has been telling everyone about for years.

Erin’s favorite part of traveling is exploring new locations in adventurous ways, with her motto being “the more adrenaline the better”!

“I love being able to experience new sights, new adventures and new cultures. As each trip ends, I can’t wait to start the countdown to the next exciting destination!”

What is at the top of your bucket list?

Peru! It looks so colorful, cultural and energetic – plus, my camera is just itching to start snapping!

Most unusual local cuisine sampled?

15 different bok choy recipes. It’s tough being a vegetarian in China…

Best piece of travel advice?

Go with the flow. You never know where it will take you!