Here at Amazing Journeys, we’re lucky to have the best jobs in the world—and we think our good fortune is worth sharing. So, when your next journey seems like a distant dream, take a few minutes to explore our WANDERLUST blog—it’s chock-full of engaging tales and helpful tips from our travels around the world.

Our Bucket List
Mar 11, 2019
We are lucky to have the opportunity to go to amazing destinations as part of our job, but get asked all the time, “where do you want to go next”? Just like you, we each have our own personal bucket list that we keep adding to. So what is at the top of each of our lists?
Malori: Antelope Canyon, Arizona. Those who know me know I love to be outdoors and I love to hike. I get inspired by nature and the visual beauty of Antelope Canyon makes me want to jump right in and explore!
Erin: There are so many places I want to go, but I really want to go to Peru. I would love to push myself to do the Inca Trail, ending the 4 day hike with the incredible views of Machu Picchu!
Michele: I can’t wait to go to the Canadian Rockies. I love the majestic beauty and being able to be surrounded by nature. The colors are just amazing and you get different scenery at every turn.
Stacey: I’d love to spend more time in Thailand. I can’t get over all of the gorgeous wats (temples)! Combine that with green countryside, a plethora of beautiful Buddhas and delicious food, I’d love to immerse myself into the culture and country of Thailand.
We want to know what’s at the top of your bucket list, too! We may already be planning a trip there for you to get excited about and we are always open to your suggestions to plan upcoming adventures!
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