Choices Choices Choices - Amazing Journeys
Wanderlust Blog

Here at Amazing Journeys, we’re lucky to have the best jobs in the world—and we think our good fortune is worth sharing. So, when your next journey seems like a distant dream, take a few minutes to explore our WANDERLUST blog—it’s chock-full of engaging tales and helpful tips from our travels around the world.


Choices Choices Choices

Oct 15, 2009

During the economic downfall, pretty much everyone in the service industry wondered how their business would fare. With less money to spend, people had to make choices. Sadly for some, those choices were (and for some, still are) whether to pay a bill or put gas in the car…or worse yet, whether to pay the mortgage or buy groceries.

Those in the retail industry, auto industry and travel industry have had obvious challenges as well. With the economy struggling, few people have to buy a new pair of shoes, buy a brand new car…or take a cruise for vacation.

But, our quality of life depends on some of these non-essential essentials. Life is not about sitting on a chair and staring out into space. Its about, well, living, and having a nice meal or seeing a movie, joining a health club….or taking a vacation are important components that enhance living and the overall well-being of a civilized society.

Thank goodness our industry–the industry of providing leisure travel to Jewish travelers–has, for a good part (and don’t believe for an instant that we are not thankful) weathered the storm. Sure the economy has effected us, but Amazing Journeys is thriving and still venturing with high capacity–if not sold out capacity–to the far corners of the earth.

So how do so many people do it, while others continue to think otherwise? A dear friend of mine who has traveled with Amazing Journeys on fourteen journeys that were amazing was very poignant as she enlightened me on how it works for her. She told me that people think she has a lot of money, but the real truth is that it’s all about the choices she makes. She cooks and eats most of her own meals at home, makes her coffee at home (did you know that while a tall coffee at Starbucks costs on average in the US $1.75, by buying a pound of their coffee and making it yourself at home, it will only cost about $.95 per cup?)…she clips coupons and buys her groceries on sale . . . walks instead of taking a taxi or train (yes, she’s a New York resident)… and she cleans her apartment herself (no cleaning lady). In other words, she establishes and keeps a budget, thus affording her disposable income to spend on her true life indulgences; traveling the world.

Life is short. Play hard isn’t just slogan. You only get one chance to enjoy this world…and pity the souls who think that Little Italy, Chinatown or the World Showcase at EPCOT is a sufficient means to experience life beyond the borders. There is so much to see and do out there and there are worldwide travel opportunities for all interests and budgets.

Just Do It isn’t just a slogan either. These three words have a deeper and power meaning. Complacency is an evil that beguiles a person’s ability to enjoy life. Spirit, adventure, excitement and risk are all character traits that advance all possibilities in life. We should all seek and embrace such traits.

Just Do It.

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