Do you work to live...or live to work? Part 3 - Amazing Journeys
Wanderlust Blog

Here at Amazing Journeys, we’re lucky to have the best jobs in the world—and we think our good fortune is worth sharing. So, when your next journey seems like a distant dream, take a few minutes to explore our WANDERLUST blog—it’s chock-full of engaging tales and helpful tips from our travels around the world.


Do you work to live…or live to work? Part 3

Jul 23, 2009

Our annual Amazing Journey to Alaska is always filled with excitement, adventure, unpredictability and lasting memories. This year’s 10th journey to “Mother Nature’s Showcase” however, having just ended a couple days ago, took the word “amazing” to a whole new level. I could spend a few minutes typing a generalized testamonial compiled by the many positive comments that are beginning to filter into our office, but I’ll just let the following text as received via email from one of our passengers do the talking.

Just another example as to why taking a vacation (and especially one with Amazing Journeys) is not only fun, but good for your health, productivity and creativity:
Dear Malori and Bill
…..I have just been home about a day, and cannot stop thinking about this fantastic trip. I want to thank you for the most amazing trips I have ever experienced. Talking about this Alaska trip…well, besides the fact that this state is unbelievable and beautiful, I know the whole trip could not have been this fantastic if it wasn’t for you guys. You guys went out of your way to make sure everything was perfect and beyond perfect. I thank you for that. You encourage me to stay single forever so I can always be on your trips..LOL!!

I appreciate all you did to make this trip something to talk about and to remember for a life time.

To be continued….(see the next blog for more reasons why taking vacations should be a priority in life)
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