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(Un)Spirit Airlines introduces a new word to the vocabulary of travel:
May 5, 2010
The word is pre-reclined.
This is what the budget carrier Spirit Airlines is calling the seats on two of its new aircraft and soon-to-be more aircraft. Now, pre-clined may sound like a comfortable way to fly, but in reality these are seats that do not recline at all.
No recline! Zip. Zilch. Nada. Zero. Can you say “right angle“? Better yet, can you sit it? For hours at a time?
That’s right. You can fly with some Spirit…but you can’t fly with any reeecline.
What the heck are pre-reclined seats? Simply put, they are fixed upright seats as illustrated above. Why, you ask, would Spirit insist on no recline? One would think there’s a revenue-making opportunity to squeeze out of this, and one would be right. But, its not to charge a quarter for the opportunity to recline. Not that simple.
Pre-clined (we shall hereforth refer to it with my own branded word no-cline) seats will allow Spirit to squeeze in more seats on their planes, and thus more passengers. Plus, the airline can and save on costs because no-cline seats are cheaper to manufacture and install. They have no moving parts which means less maintenance – all of which leads to lower fares.
>>insert sarcastic remark here<<
Spirit Airlines, recently introduced fees for carry-on bags which took the concept of no frills to new heights and caused havoc with the regular joes who have any travel sense. The theme of no-cline over several hours of flying time for the reasons mentioned above is beyond ludicrous. If it wasn’t for immense discomfort, it’d be laughable. Pre-reclining seats; that’s like saying your airborne plane is pre-landed. Imagine how embarassed you’d be if you went outside with no clothes on because you “pre-dressed”. Or, how hungry you’d be when you went without dinner because you “pre-ate”. Hey Boss, you should have received the report you wanted from me; I pre-worked today!
I wish I could present you with some good news with regard to the airlines, but in terms of comfortability and getting back any of the small pleasures once included in with the experience, there’s nothing to report. However, and most importantly, airline travel continues to be–statistically–the safest mode of travel. So…as a means to an end, we should be grateful and appeased that Spirt and American and Delta, etc all ultimately get us where we need to be. Safely.
I, for one, am thankful for that. You should be too.
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