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We Show You the World and You Mean the World to Us
Nov 25, 2020
by Michele
Vacations That Change Your Life, originally, a tagline when created, was with the thought that the travel experience alone would be what changed your life. What we have come to understand and have witnessed for decades, is that in addition to that, our journeys are changing your personal life here at home as well.
As we are now spending time at home and riding this wave together, we have felt the strength of our Amazing Journeys family. Since we first received the “shelter in place” orders, one of our top priorities was to continue to share the power of positivity and what better way than to continue our time together even if for now it is virtually. Trivia, Lunch and Learn, Ice Cream Social, Happy Hour, Art Gallery Crawl, Shabbat and the list goes on. We have even seen new faces online who we can virtually welcome into our AJ family until we can welcome them in person somewhere in the world.
I know from hundreds of calls I have had over the years, no one ever truly expects how their life will change when traveling with a group of AJers. Oftentimes, I find myself telling the first-time caller that I am personally still in touch and friends with several from our very first trip in 1993. We form special bonds and they have changed my life and I know have impacted many others.
After speaking with one of our newer AJ friends recently, he said something very poignant as before he traveled with us, he really didn’t know what to expect. His personal observation was there have been some wonderful “unintended consequences”! He thought he was just signing up for a tour but what he came back with was new friends that enhanced his world. Looking back on many conversations from the last 20+ years, we hear all of the time:
…I met my best friend on my trip.
…All of my fellow Broadway goers I met through AJ.
…So many that celebrated my milestone birthday were my friends from AJ
…Going through a challenging time, when I looked around, I realized most
were my travel friends from AJ.
As we navigate these uncharted waters, I have learned now more than ever, there is so much to be thankful for. Although we show you the world, we want you to know that you mean the world to us and also to each other.
Please feel free to share with us one moment or friendship that has changed your life as we would love to hear from you and be thankful together!
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