Blog - Amazing Journeys - Travel for Jewish Singles
Wanderlust Blog

Here at Amazing Journeys, we’re lucky to have the best jobs in the world—and we think our good fortune is worth sharing. So, when your next journey seems like a distant dream, take a few minutes to explore our WANDERLUST blog—it’s chock-full of engaging tales and helpful tips from our travels around the world.


Wanna Get Away? A Sneak Preview for 2013

Tuesday, August 14th, 2012

Boy, does Amazing Journeys have a lineup for the ages!  If you are starting to think about traveling in the next year, just you wait and see what we are going to be offering!   We are aware that the information that follows will fill your plates with so many exciting possibilities that you’ll be asking your boss for extra vacation time.  This is why we are letting you know NOW what’s in store for the coming year.  Get those vacation request days in before your co-workers and lock in what we proudly proclaim will be one of the best–if not THE BEST–vacations of your life! 

You may have traveled with us in 2012 or maybe in 2011…..or maybe not for a few years. Or, dare we say….not yet at all?  In any case, you’ll need to hold on tight as we tempt, tantalize and treat you to a lineup of Jewish singles trips for 2013 that you will want to start planning for now.  We are in the throes of putting the final touches on many journeys that are amazing throughout next year, but its not too early to start planning for them. 

Firstly, check out our website ( for details on Jewish singles trips that are currently available and sizzling hot:

-Northern California (August 26-Sept 3, 2012); Just ONE spot left!

-New Mexico and the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta (October 12-17, 2012); Only 7 spaces left!

-New Year’s Southeast Asia Cruise (December 23 – January 6, 2013); Over 70 people booked!

-Brazil including Rio, The Amazon and Iguazu Falls (February 21-March 2, 2013)

Now that’s what we’re selling today.  In the days and weeks ahead, stay tuned for this AMAZING array of 2013 AMAZING JOURNEYS….and start making plans to join us!

Israel: May 2 – 13

Irresistible Italy by Land:  June  6-16

Italy/Croatia Cruise: July 19 – 31

Alaska: August 16 – 23

Heli-hiking in the Canadian Rockies: Summer

Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Tetons: Summer

Baseball Lover’s Dream Weekend: Summer

African Safari to South Africa and Botswana:  Fall

Australia and New Zealand:  Fall

Granted that some of these trips are well over a year away, but there are benefits to starting the planning process now.  Send us a note that you are interested in any of our destinations and we’ll place your name and email address on an “interest list”.  Interest Lists receive advanced and priority notice of all trips when they become available, and allow those individuals to capture what is sometimes very limited space or, as in the case of our cruises,  the very best stateroom location.

Amazing Journeys; going strong for over 22 years and heading towards even more amazing destinations.  We hope you’ll join us!

Doing Your Part To Save The Planet; Traveling Green

Monday, August 6th, 2012

How many people realize that by simply stepping on piece of land where bears roam, or by tossing piece of gum into the ocean or leaving lights on the hotel ‘because you’re not paying for it’…you are effecting the environment. Or shall we say infecting it!

Just because you’re out of your element, doesn’t mean the elements should be out of you. Our land is being tormented by pollution, overuse, global warming, tapping of resources and abusive behavior.  With the advancements of so many technologies and the incredible population growth that yearns more and more each day for more and more from the what our planet has to offer, there’s no mistaking it; we gotta go green.  Somebody please Save The Planet!

As a traveler, you can do your part.  At home, its easy to recycle and turn off lights when not in use.  But while being a visitor to another state or country, just a little common sense can go a long way in helping to reduce our impact on the world. 

Here are a few tips on how to make a positive difference in your travels:

1. Go paperless! Use online resources to plan and book your trip.

2. Unplug before you go! Appliances, computers, chargers, televisions and microwaves can waste as much as 10% of your electricity when idling by.

3. Book “New”! New hotels, cruise ships and motor coaches are more likely to feature state-of-the-art energy-saving features.

4. Lighten Up! Packing lightly not only makes it easier on your own personal “schlep factor”, it has a significant impact on the environment. Imagine how much fuel could be saved if every suitcase on a plane or a motor coach weighed 5 lbs less.

5. Bring your own water bottle! More than 60 million plastic water bottles are thrown away in theUSalone….EVERY DAY.

6. Purchase handicrafts from local artists when possible; buying cheap, mass-produced souvenirs undermines traditional cultures. But, don’t buy products that may be made of something endangered like elephant ivory or reptile skins.

7. Stay on the trail! It can be tempting to venture off the beaten path but such a veer can cause erosion to the soil, degrade animal habitats and water quality, destroy wildflowers and frighten or injure animals.

8. Lend a hand! Its ok to pick up a piece of trash that’s not yours, or to turn off a light in the public restroom as you leave (assuming no one’s still in a stall)

When traveling, live by this adage:  Take nothing but pictures….Leave nothing but footprints.

Our first few days on the Black Sea

Tuesday, July 24th, 2012

Amazing Journeys and 65 amazing travelers have started our vacation, exploring the countries surrounding the Black Sea.  Starting out in Istanbul, Turkey we sailed on the Azamara Quest to Varna, Bulgaria on Monday and are exploring Constanta, Romania today.  We have had beautiful warm weather so far and are looking forward to a few days in different cities of Ukraine coming up next.  Here’s a few pictures of our amazing journey so far!

Tales From the Alaska Trails (if a picture is worth a thousand words, then these memories from our latest AJ is worth millions!)

Friday, July 13th, 2012

Lonesome George, the giant tortoise of the Galapagos Islands

Monday, June 25th, 2012

Lonesome George, the giant tortoise who had become an unofficial ambassador for the Galapagos Islands, and friend of Amazing Journeys, passed away on Sunday at an estimated 100 years of age.  The Jurassic-looking creature had become a symbol of the islands scattered off the coast of Ecuador and is believed to be the last of his species, the Pinta tortoise.  Various mates had been provided for Lonesome George after he was found in 1972 in what proved to be unsuccessful attempts to keep his subspecies alive.
The pen where George lived was visited by thousands of tourists every year, who often had to scramble with each other to take pictures of one of the rarest creatures on Earth.  Around 180,000 people visit the islands every year to see animals up close and have their picture taken with the giant tortoise who became known as one of the rarest creatures on Earth. Amazing Journeyers have had the opportunity to visit him three times, twice in 2007 and once in 2010.